CHI 2016 Slides on Sociality in Minecraft Server for Kids with Autism

1 Comment

  1. Kyle Pinguin

    Hey there, your website has caught my attention and I was wondering if I was able to become a guest blogger on your website. My name is Kyle and I’m a Minecraft Pixelmon server owner for a Pixelmon Server called: SilverMoon Pixelmon.

    I am a blog writter, web markerter, and web developer. I was hoping that I could become a guest blogger on your site in exchange to promote my server. I can create SEO targeted blog posts for the keywords you want as well as create orginal content based on your requirements.

    I can provide you with whatever you need. If you don’t wish to have a guest blogger, I was wondering if it’s cool to do some sort of advertising on your website. (We would have to talk about this some more on what your stats plus what rates you wish to charge to promote us.)

    My passion isn’t quite into Minecraft, however it is in web development, (I can also exchange some of my services such as CSS and WordPress Updates in exchange), as well as game development. I was previously working for a Real Estate Marketing company for web development. I am also building custom things for our server such as a Python Wrapper that goes around the Java interface as well as custom Discord Bots. Also with my game development, my personal blog is focused soley on game development and I can provide your readers with quality content about what it means to create/run games.

    I hope this be cool, because I enjoy the fact that you have a few articles on Minecraft and I can provide my own insight in both Game Development and what it means to run a Minecraft Server. Please let me know if this is alright via Email.

    Thank you for your time,
    – Kyle [Pinguin101]

    Pixelmon 3.5.1 Server IP:

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