
I am happy to report that i successfully defended my dissertation April 26, 2018! Thanks to the many people who supported me and helped me along the way. It’s been a wonderful, exhausting, yet exhilarating journey. I’d especially like to thank my committee (especially my chair and advisor, Gillian) for giving of their precious time to engage with my work so deeply.

Me standing in the middle of my committee members.

Gillian and Kate smiling together at camera.

Tall statues of letters reading UCI with toddler smiling from behind the C.

I’m happy to announce I have been awarded as a Public Impact Fellow for 2017.

Public Impact Fellowships highlight and support doctoral students whose current research has the potential for substantial impact in the public sphere. Ideal candidates will be involved in research designed to significantly improve or enrich the lives of Californians and/or national and global communities.

I’m excited to announce we received the ASSETS 2016 Best Paper Award for our work on Autcraft. I presented this work this past week. You can find the slides here.

Kathryn E. Ringland, Christine T. Wolf, LouAnne E. Boyd, Mark Baldwin, and Gillian R. Hayes. 2016. Would You Be Mine: Appropriating Minecraft as an Assistive Technology for Youth with Autism. In ASSETS 2016. [PDF]

I’m happy to announce I have been awarded as an ARCS Fellow Scholar for 2016-2018.

The National ARCS (Achievement Rewards for College Scientists) Foundation, Inc., is a unique, nonprofit, national volunteer organization of women dedicated to providing scholarships to academically outstanding U.S. citizens studying to complete their degrees in science, medicine and engineering, thereby contributing to the worldwide advancement of science and technology.

Our ASSETS 2016 paper, “Would You Be Mine: Appropriating Minecraft as an Assistive Technology for Youth with Autism” is a Best Paper Finalist! I will be presenting this work at ASSETS October 24.

Kathryn E. Ringland, Christine T. Wolf, LouAnne E. Boyd, Mark Baldwin, and Gillian R. Hayes. 2016. Would You Be Mine: Appropriating Minecraft as an Assistive Technology for Youth with Autism. In ASSETS 2016. [PDF]

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