1 min read

Almost through Week 1

It feels good to be almost done with week 1.  Today has gone by extra slowly, it feels like.  The campus is pretty empty because it’s summer and most of the food places are closed or have weird hours.  I’ve managed to sit here in the cafeteria for the last 4 hours, though.  I had sushi that couldn’t stay together and I’m pretty hungry.  I am trying to wait as long as possible before going to the dining hall, though.  They don’t open until 5 anyway.

I think I’m really going to like doing the research part of this work.  But right now I’m just waiting for my next orders, it seems.  I’ve been doing some reading and research, but I don’t really understand what I’m going to be doing with the arduinos, so I don’t really know what to be looking up.

I have managed to kill some time looking up grad schools.  Also looking up how to write all the myriad of essays I’m going to have to perfect before I turn my applications in.  Perhaps I’ll start posting snipits of essays up here so I can start getting some of my ideas down.

I’m doing my best not to get homesick.  It’s tough though.  There is very little here that is familiar or homelike.  I just take comfort in knowing that all this hard work will be paying off in the next year as I apply to grad schools.   I will just keep pushing ahead and hope for the best come this next year.