1 min read

First Fashion Project Meeting

Just attended the first weekly Fashion project Meeting.  Michele is headed to a conference next week, where she’ll be giving two talks.  They are going to be about her dissertation work- mostly about the RFID scanner, the VizWiz crowd-sourcing of the fashion advice, and scanning the room for other people’s outfits.

I’ll be working more with the arduinos this week.  I have to find some videos on youtube to see how some of this stuff is put together.  I’ll be investigating what has already been done in wearable technology or fashionable technology.  I need to update my website with available resources.

When the user study for the crowd-sourcing begins this summer, I’ll be on duty for giving fashion advice.  So, I should also start being more aware of the fashions of today. 🙂

In about an hour, Amy will be giving a tutorial on the MakerBot in the Pad.  It’ll be cool to know how 3D printing works!