1 min read

Happy Wednesday

Been trying to not be down, but haven’t succeeded the last few days.  Today I am picking myself up off the floor and getting on with life.  Came into the lab to work on my arduino tutorials.  I emailed Manpreet to ask about the location of LEDs so that I could actually do the tutorials, but he said to email Amy.  Upon emailing Amy, she told me to email Manpreet.  So, another potentially productive afternoon is shot.

But I’ve decided to work on more research into RFID and how it works exactly.  Been writing a comparison chart to see what is better: RFID, NFC, etc.  Ran across this blog that has some potential for inspiration.  She’s sewing RFID into her soft plushies.  I was thinking that would work great with fabric monsters.  If we were able to create fabric monsters with rfid, that could communicate with the website, potentially creating a creature that lives both on the internet and in the real world.  Have to think about it some more.  With more and more smart phones having the readers already built in is a big plus.

Anyway, just keep on swimming.  I’m just hoping I learn enough this summer to take home and keep going with it.