This week was short because of the holiday on Monday. Also, on Wednesday it was my husband’s and my second anniversary. I have been pretty much swamped with school work, research, and ACM-W, but we did manage to make it out to dinner at least.
Time is going by way too quickly. Grace Hopper is only a month away. Pretty soon I’m going to be out of time for things like grad school applications! AHH!
I have managed to play a little bit of Guild Wars 2 and can’t wait until December when I’ll have more time to get into it. I’ve made a plant person who casts awesome spells. Pretty fun.
I helped move my brother back up to Seattle (at least for a while) as he’s taking a class up there. It’s weird having the house a little more empty. But it was nice heading north and visiting with my grandmother for a bit. I spent most of the weekend working on my game for game design class. When it is good enough for public consumption I’ll post it in my portfolio. Stay tuned.