Watch my interview with the ABC News about Minecraft for autistic kids.
Tag: interview
For this week’s blog, I thought I would share my “mock” TV interview that I did through the RSG program at Medill School of Journalism. Over the next couple of blog posts, I plan on distilling some of the lessons I’ve learned about doing interviews and talk about my experiences – both with this TV interview and the podcast.
Sneak preview: you should have at most 3 core ideas or things you want people to remember no matter the kind of conversation or talk you are giving. If someone is at a BBQ tomorrow and telling other people about their conversation with you (or the talk they heard you give or the interview they heard of yours), what do you want them to be able to remember and relay?
Without further ado, here is my very first live-to-tape TV interview!
I was recently interviewed for a story in the Australian Broadcasting Corporation, Riverland and this article is the result!
An autism expert and researcher in the field of disability and technology says video games provide a simpler and more understandable interface for people with autism.
Nadia Isa, ABC Riverland